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Corona virus in China and Slovakia // Corona vírus na Slovensku a v Číne

Corona vírus. Všetci o ňom vieme. Niektorí sú príliš ostražití, iní sa ho vôbec neboja. Aký je však rozdiel v prístupe ľudí k nemu? Teraz Vám porovnám prístup Slovákov a Číňanov. Corona virus. Everyone know about it. Someone is extremly careful, and someone think it is like a nothing. But what is the difference in people´s approach? In this article, I will compare Slovak and China. Z Číny som odišla začiatkom februára, kedy tam Corona vírus už bol. Ja osobne bývam na školskom internáte, kde nám denne dezinfikovali izby a merali teploty. Škola bola uzatvorená, a až do júla nebolo umožnené študentom vychádzanie z areálu školy. Keď sme chceli ísť na obed do jedálne, odmerali nám teplotu, a až potom sme mohli vstúpiť. Voda nám bola privážaná iba na prízemie, a my sami sme si ju museli odniesť do izieb (ja osobne bývam na 5 poschodí). Pretože nikto cudzí nemal dovolený prístup. Za krátku chvíľu boli vo výťahoch značky, kde sa človek môže postaviť, aby vedel koľko je 2metre odstup. Internáty majú priechody na čip, aby sa do budov nedostal nikto cudzí. Ba dokonca ani nikto z iného školského internátu (v našom areáli sú hneď 3 internáty pre zahraničných študentov pri sebe, a to ešte sú aj ďalej a takteiž aj pre číňanov). Teplota bola okamžite meraná pri príchode, a kto nemá rúško nesmie do budovy. (Aj keď tam býva). Momentálne niektoré časti Číny nemusia nosiť vonku rúška, no iné musia. Číňania tieto pravidlá samozrejme rešpektujú. A to aj napriek tomu, že tieto rúška musia nosiť aj vonku. I leave china in the beginning of February, when the Corona was already there. I am living in a school dormitory. Our dormitory was every day disinfected, and took a body temperature. The area of school was closed to the July, and student´s couldn´t left area of school. If we wanted to go to the canteen, they also took our temperature, and after that, we could enter our canteen. The drinking water was not deliver next to our doors, but only to groundfloor, and we needed to took this water to our rooms (i live in 5th floor). It was because noone could enterance our dormitory. Also noone from school dormitory, who didn´t live in ours (in our area, we have 3 dormitories for foreign students, but in our area, little bit farrer, are also another dormitories for chinese students or foreigners). The marks on escalator, where we an stand (2 meters far from each other) or security barrier in our dorm which will allow us to enterance dormitory only with our school card, and only if we wear a mask, came so soon. To understand, in our dorm, we didn´t have a security barrier before. The temperature of students was took imidietly when the students return to the dorm. Some parts of China are allowed to don´t wear mask, because it is already safe. But most of them should wear mask, also outside. Chinese respect it so much, also when they should wear it outside not only in shops. Na Slovensku sme mali opatrenia cca 1-2 mesiace, kedy bola väčšina obchodov zavretá, bez rúška sme mali zakázanévychádzať z domu atď. Po dvoch mesiacoch sa opatrenia zmiernili, a momentálne je u nás prikázané iba nosenie rúšok v obchodoch či v dopravných prostriedkoch. Aj napriek tomu je však množstvo ľudí, ktoré tieto opatrenia nerešpektujú, a rúško nosia iba pri vstupe a potom si ho dajú dole. Alebo si ho ani nedajú, a zamestnanci s tým nič nerobia. Samozejme je však veľmi veľa ľudí, ktorých chcem pochváliť, pretože nosí rúško tak, ako to má byť. In Slovakia, we had the strict rules only for 1-2 months, when most of the shops were closed, we couldn´t go outside without mask,... After two months our restriction were changed, and now we can walk outside without wearing mask, we just should wear it, when we are in transportation or shops. Even if we don´t need to wear mask outside, a lot of people still doesn´t respect our rules, and they don´t wear mask or when they enter the shop, they put it down. Most of the workers doesn´t care. But also exist a lot of people, which wear mask and respect this restriction, and I want to admire them. Určite však takto nevyzerá iba Slovensko a Čína. Týmto článkom som preto chcela poukázať na to, že možno sa vírus začal v Číne, no je iba na nás, ako k tomu pristupujeme. A nakoľko sú Číňania naozaj veľmi zodpovedný, prestaňme ich súdiť a hovoriť o nich zlé veci. Oni nemôžu za to, čo sa stalo, no môžu za to, ako sa momentálne správajú. Týmto by som rada vyzvala každého, aby bol zodpovedný za to, ako sa v momentálnej situácií správa, a aby rešpektoval pokyny vlády či prezidenta. Pretože zákazy a obmedzenia nás majú chrániť. I am sure, that you can find your country or any other country also here. I wanted to write this article, to show people, that Corona virus maybe started in China, but it is only on us, how we will behave. And as we can see, Chinese are very responsible, so stup to judge them, and talk bad things about them. We can´t blame them, fot Corona virus, but we can blame tem, for how they behave now. I hope, that everyone who will read this article become more responsible for their own behaviour in this situation, and will respect the restriction of country. Becaue this restrictions are for us and for our health.

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