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Jinnan district // 津南区

Myslím si, že väčšina z nás nepozná veľmi dobre Čínu a samotné okresy. Práve preto som sa sem rozhodla pridať niekoľko fotiek z Jinnan-u, nakoľko som tu cca pol roka bývala. Myslím si, že prostredie je naozaj veľmi pekné. Ide o veľmi tichú lokáciu, všetko je po ruke. Jedinou nevýhodou je, že škola bola naozaj veľmi ďaleko. A taktiež ak som sa chcela vybrať na nejaký výlet, tak to bolo ďaleko. Dôvodom je, že samotný okres nie je v centre mesta a pamiatky Číny sú v centre mesta. V každom prípade sa mi tu však žilo veľmi dobre.

I think most of us do not know China well and the districts themselves. That's why I decided to add some photos from Jinnan, because I've live here for about a half year. I think the environment is really pretty. This is a very quiet location, everything is near. The only downside is that the school was really far away. And if I wanted to go for a trip, it was also too far. The reason is that the district itself is not in the city center, and the sightseens of Tianjin are in the city center. In any case, I was enjoying living here.

I was living in 新悦佳园 and here are some photos from this location. I think, this place is really beautiful. Very near is a supermarket, barbecue  restaurant (open also in the midnight) and malatang (麻辣烫). Near is also fitnessclub, so I think, everything what we need in one place.

I was living in 佳园 and here are some photos from this location. I think this place is really beautiful. Very near is a supermarket, barbecue restaurant (open also in the midnight) and malatang (麻辣烫). Near is also a fitness club, so I think, everything we need is in a one place.

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