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Archery // Lukostreľba

Ja jednoducho nedokážem obsedieť na jednom mieste. Milujem prechádzky, cestovanie i záujmové aktivity. A tak som nemohla odolať ani aktivite, ktorú som našla v Tianjine. Jedná sa o lukostreľbu, na ktorú som sa hneď aj s mojim kamarátom, čo miluje adrenalínové športy (ale aj takáto maličkosť ho poteší) prihlásila.

I can not stay and sitting in one place. I love walking, traveling and interest activities. And it is a reason, I could not resist the activity I found in Tianjin. Archery which I attended with my friend, who also loves adrenaline sports (but also this little thing he enjoys).

Cena takejto aktivity je 98RMB pre 2 osoby na 1 hodinu.... Veľa ľudí si môže myslieť, že 1 hodina nestačí, no nakoľko musíte napnúť luk svojimi prstami, určite vám tá hodina bude stačiť. Mňa osobne ešte 4 dni boleli z luku a jeho napínania prsty,... Rozhodne však tá bolesť stojí za to.

The cost of such an activity is 98RMB for 2 people per hour .... Many people may think that 1 hour is not enough, but as long as you have to stretch your bow with your fingers, you will surely think, that this is enough time for it. Personally, for four days I felt pain from the bow and  fingers strained, but ... But the pain is worth it.

Musím sa priznať, že mi to veľmi nešlo, aj keď som dostala vysvetlenie nie len v Čínštine, ale zároveň mi pustili aj manuál v anglickom jazyku,... To však neznamená, že som sa nezabavila. Môjmu kamarátovi to však išlo oveľa lepšie a na moje prekvapenie sa nie len vždy trafil do terča, ale vždy to bolo blízko stredu. Musím povedať, že ma príjemne prekvapila a naozaj som bola na neho hrdá. A musím povedať, že právom.

I have to admit that I did not good in it, even though I got an explanation not only in Chinese, but they also released my manual in English ... But that does not mean I did not get confused. My friend, however, was much better, and to my surprise, not only always hit the target but it was always close to the center. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised and really proud of him. And I have to say that he deserve my admiration.

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