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Balitai shopping center // Nákupné centrum Balitai

Ak milujete nákupovanie, potom si určite zamilujete nákupné centrá v Číne. Nie len, že sú takmer na každom rohu, no zároveň v nich nájdete zaujímavé sochy, či výzdobu.

If you love shopping then you will surely love the shopping malls in China. Not only are they almost on every corner, but you will also find interesting sculptures and decorations.

Napríklad v Balitai nákupnom centre nájdete hrdinov ako je Hulk, Batman, Ironman či postavičky z transformers.

For example, in the Balitai Shopping Center you will find heroes such as Hulk, Batman, Ironman, and characters from the Transformers.

Síce ma nákupné centrum veľmi neoslovilo, povedala by som, že to je jedno malé bludisko s predraženými cenami, a navyše dosť ďaleko od zastávky, no v každom prípade som rada, že som tam išla a videla aspoň týchto hrdinov.

Although the shopping center did not appeal to me very much, I would say that it is one small maze with overpriced prices and far enough from the stop, but in any case I am glad that I went there and saw at least these heroes.

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